Monday, December 13, 2010

Reflecting on group work

From the time I was placed with my group, I knew it was going to be "different" although I know all of the people in my group I also knew how different we all are and I thought it was going to be challenging to get every ones approval on the mural. After working on the idea aspect for a while, sketching rough drafts of our ideas we came to a point where we wanted to please every single person in the group and adding all the things that everyone wanted, and clearly the idea shifted from being detailed and with a purpose to cluttered and loosing focus. Working with groups always has its challenges, but I know that there are also advantages! You get the work done a lot quicker with more hands, and hopefully the bickering about what to do and not to do will simmer down. I personally just feel that we need to get a plan and stick with it, not everyone is going to be pleased but we can't always try to please people and I think that is something that working in groups has reminded me of. I personally think it is a good and I guess bad thing, Im just curious to see how our end result will come out! Wish us luck!

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